Akal Pavan
アカール パヴァン カー
Lives in Yokohama with a daughter goes to Steiner School and beloved American Partner living their karmic life with compassion, gratitude and prayers. She lived in New York and Los Angeles for 15 years before moving back to Japan.
She met Yoga back in 2001 in Los Angeles at Golden Bridge on the 3rd street, my very first yoga Kundalini Yoga. She kept her practice at various studios including Hatha Yoga and Anusara Yoga with respected teachers and guru. As deepened her practice for years and years, she got certified 200hr TT in 2011, having holistic and yogic life deep in her heart, seeks spiritual wisdom and freedom.
With her unique practice and experience, she started sharing her offering in 2012 as Shining heart Yoga. She wishes to grow heart-centered community, coming up with FUN events and workshops. Her original back ground is Apparel/Fashion, her passion is to support art, small business and creativity. She continues to learn and working on energy works.
自分なりの経験による知識を皆さんとシェアを目的に2012年よりShining Heart Yogaを開始。ハートセンターのコミュニティーとして成長したく、楽しい企画も実践中。さらにアパレル業出身。学びを続け、エネルギーワークを行なっています。
2019年 Access bars Practitioner 取得
2017年 Usui Reiki Healing Practitioner LEVEL 1 First Dgree (@ヒーリングサロンHoly Ray )
2016年Kundalini Yoga tought by Yogi Bhjan を勉強中
2013年 ヨガセラピューディックトレーニング取得(@スタジオヨギー)
2010年 全米ヨガアライアンス200時間Teacher Training取得(@ロサンゼルス ヨガスタジオYOGA BLEND)